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Day 8: the experimental post type ‘wrote’

Yesterday I admitted on IRC that I have quit the #100dagen500woorden part of my challenge. I already stated some doubts but Tantek added me to the wiki anyway.

I felt bad for giving up (so early!) but I felt even worse about posting strange unfinished texts on my site. That’s why I quit: the challenge didn’t feel good.

Today I thought about it some more. I needed a new post-type, where I only post how many words I wrote in a day, not the actual words I wrote.

Compare it with NaNoWriMo, where thousands of people write a novel of 50,000 words in the month of November. The actual text you write in that month does not really matter. The only thing that matters is writing a certain amount of words.

I never participated in NaNoWriMo, so I have no data to export in this format, but I can actually participate this year without having to put my data into NaNoWriMo.org.

Now for the implementation details. I have the following .txt-file on my development server:

This translates to the following public post on my blog:

As you can see, Seblog calculates the amount of words for me, so the only thing I have to do, is write a text and put it under the wrote field. I mark up the number of words with a p-words class, which is probably not consumed by anyone, but hey, I publish this kind of data now.

Now I have no excuse anymore to pick up some writing again.

Last but not least I want to coin the term ‘iceberg post’. A ‘wrote’ in the way I implemented it is an example of an iceberg post: there is a public part and a non-public part to it. It’s just a case of Partial Page Privacy, but I think the term ‘iceberg post’ has a nice ring to it.

Day 7: better RSVP representation

A little while ago I posted my first event, and soon after it came my own RSVP to that event. Back then I wrote a bit of text, because an Indieweb RSVP is a h-entry with a u-in-reply-to and a p-rsvp property. Since it’s a reply, I wrote reply text.

Most people don’t display the text for RSVP posts though, myself included. And today I RSVP’ed on a Meetup.com event, so after the ‘hey you need to post this on your own site first’ bells went off I made a new RSVP on my site. I forgot the text, so it looked like this:

It’s a bit yucky. So since I already have icons here for displaying the different RSVP values (yes, no, maybe and interested), I thought let’s re-use them.

I changed a lot of code behind the scenes too, because my h-entry template became a mess with all the different options it has. (But behind the scenes doesn’t count for #100daysofindieweb!) I now display RSVP’s as what I now call ‘shortposts’:

I also added my bookmarks to the feed at the homepage, because I like to show off my different types of shortposts. (They first where only available at /bookmarks, and I'm actually subscribed to that feed myself, so I can review my own bookmarks in my reader. Nice lifehack.)

Day 6: getting old posts back (part 2)

I got my posts back! :D

Unfortunately the quality of the dump isn't very good. Markdown is sometimes not interpreted, there are double posts (Tweets linking to my blog or Instagram) and a lot of images are at width:500px, which was my default width for over 10 years.

I've been coding some kind of post-match code, too see if I can detect the double posts. It quite hard, because a lot of tweets that are not the same post, are send within 15 minutes of each other, so published is not a good predictor. Trying to calculate the text similarity with levenshtein() seemed like the solution to all my problems, but there are quite a few mismatches still. I probably can't do this fully automated.

I now really have to go to do some real-life stuff, so I guess today just has to be the day I imported the posts and added the images. It's not that I haven't put in the hours today, it's just that it's way too much. (Or I need to be more efficient) You can check things out by scrolling way down in my feed, or at /blog or /tekstbeelden.

Day 5: getting old posts back (part 1)

I have good news and bad news. The good news it that I made a lot of progress in retrieving my old blogposts. The bad news is that I don’t think I can finish this today anymore.

tl;dr: I have my posts in Kirby-formatted .txt-files now, but I need more time to think about moving the images.

In an attempt to own my data, I posted all my Tweets and Instagram-photo’s onto my weblog. To do so, I started fresh, but I never got around to post the old posts back. I have 8000 posts on this site, but the old one’s are all social media reposts, no originals, even though I have had this domain since 2006.

There are roughly four periods between 2006 and now. In the first 5 years, I used a custom made CMS, written by a 16-year-old who taught himself PHP by reading a 175 paged book. (That’s me.) In 2009, I found it too insecure to keep it running that way, so I moved to Wordpress. Looking back at it it wasn’t so insecure at all. Yes, I was 16 years old when I wrote it, but I knew about SQL-injection at the time, and Wordpress isn’t known for it’s security. My own blog at least had security by obscurity.

At the beginning of the Wordpress era I made a fresh start. Luckily I found the old server still running, so my posts should still be there in that database. (You can send a GET request with Host: seblog.nl to my mother’s website to get the last pre-Kirby version.) If not, I have a PDF somewhere, but that’s not great for importing.

After a while I moved away from Wordpress in favor of .txt-files. I did a proper import back then, so that’s where I’m working with now: the .txt-version of my blog.

And those files are great, but hideous. Somehow I thought it was a nice idea to link them together with Javascript, so this version of my blog is not archived by the Web Archive. It worked like an infinite scroll: I had one file called ‘blog.txt’, which only contained a link to the last post. At the end of that post was a link to the next post. I think my 404-page showed a C implementation of the linked list, because that was my inspiration.

Next to ‘blog.txt’ I also had ‘verhalen.txt’ and ‘tekstbeelden.txt’ for other streams of posts. In my import I wrote a nice little recursion to get a list of all the stories, so I can tag them properly:

function findnext($from, $links, &$a) {
  if($links[$from]) {
    $a[] = $links[$from];
    findnext($links[$from], $links, $a);

$verhalen = [];
findnext('verhalen', $links, $verhalen);

There is also a lot of Markdown-that-isn’t-Markdown in my posts, which complicates things. Oh, and Wordpress-HTML. I’m trying to regex a lot out of it.

The last problem I have now are images. In Wordpress and my own creation I stored all the images in one folder, but in Kirby the convention is to store them in the folder of the page. (Kirby is one big folder structure. I like that.) I need a way to either upload them when I post the posts via Micropub, or a way to identify the location of the newly created posts from the old slug, so I can move the files on the server. I don’t want to do it by hand.

This blogposts gets hopelessly long. Maybe I could’ve fixed my images-problem by now. But I want a clear head before I start importing. And a backup, but with 8000 posts that takes some time. I’ll resume tomorrow. At least I made progress!

Day 4: scheduled posts

I'm very late today. It's actually day 5 now in The Netherlands, but since I haven't slept yet I'm still calling this day 4.

Because I started so late, I chose an easy one for today. Unfortunately the easy ones always take longer than you expect. But hey, that makes this episode of #100daysofindieweb an episode!

I am now able to schedule posts on my blog. That's a simple one, because all I have to do is check wether the 'published' field of a post is in the past before I display it. It took a little longer because I had to do it in two places, the feed and the entry page.

The feed now only grabs posts where the 'published' is smaller than the current date, and my router now gives a 404 Not found if a post has a 'published' that is bigger than the current date.

Because my webmentions trigger on the first visit of the page, and the page never gets called, I effectively schedule webmentions with this too. Only one problem: I need to wait for a visitor to open the post once it's published to trigger the mentions. This includes the mention to Brid.gy/publish, to syndicate a post to Twitter. I leave that problem to another day though.

Anyway, it's a simple feature, but a neat one, so I'm happy with it.

@bitsoffreedom Ik heb al bij twee evenementen de klantenservice gemaild omdat hun ticketsysteem me verplicht om geboortedatum en geslacht in te vullen, vaak omdat ze hun ticketverkoop hebben uitbesteed. Hebben jullie daar toevallig een blogpost of pagina voor waar naar kan linken?

Day 3: relative urls

Today I started with fiddling with reply-contexts, but that turned out to be a giant mess, because I store my own posts in a different format than posts by others, and I wanted to re-use my template. I need to come back to that another time.

Yesterday, I mentioned Martijn in my post. And when I mention urls in my posts, my server will try to notify the other site that I mentioned that page. So yesterday my site notified Martijn’s site. At least, it tried.

Martijn is known for giving parsers a hard time. My site came up with http://vanderven.se/mention.php as his webmention endpoint, which is not correct. The following things went wrong:

  • I mentioned http://vanderven.se/martijn, which is not his canonical url. That’s http://vanderven.se/martijn/, ending in a /.
  • Kirby Toolkit’s remote::get(), which I used to fetch the page, did follow the redirect, but my script didn’t update the mentioned url accordingly. Since Martijns endpoint link is relative (webmention.php), that / does matter: it defines Martijns page as a folder, so his endpoint is at http://vanderven.se/martijn/endpoint.php
  • Finally, it turned out that Kirby Toolkit’s url::makeAbsolute($path, $home) did not handle relative urls well. It just intelligently added $path to $home, but didn’t actually solve relative urls where $home is a folder or file.

Martijn encouraged me to write some tests for Kirby Toolkit, because they use phpunit and all that stuff. It was nice, because I didn’t have any experience with this kind of testing (I just refresh the page and hope it works). Learning to test things is a goal for 2017 for me.

When I had a list of good tests, I started to change the function. I might be a little too refresh-frenzy still, but in the end I managed to pass all my own tests. After the pull request and with a little tweaking of my own scripts, I finally got Martijn’s endpoint:


So, Martijn, here is another try, still without your canonical /, just to see if it works now. :)

Ik weet het niet hoor jongens. Ik heb zojuist een stukje van 418 woorden geplaatst onder de categorie '100dagen500woorden', maar ik vind het gewoon gênant. Ik geef jullie de eerste zin:

Ik weet niet, maar op een of andere manier is een codehoofd gewoon een heel ander soort hoofd dan een schrijfhoofd.

Het is zo'n typisch stukje over schrijven. Daar schrijf ik er heel veel van en die probeer ik zo min mogelijk te publiceren. De bedoeling van deze challenge was dat er wat meer creatiefs naar boven kwam. Maar goed, bij proberen hoort falen. En daarna opnieuw proberen.

Dus denk dat ik dit deel van de 100 dagen ga omgooien. Het andere deel gaat prima en zie ik 'makkelijk' tot de 100 komen, maar dit deel voelt verkeerd. Naast '500 woorden' heb ik toch ook een soort kwaliteitskeurmerk voor ogen en dat kwaliteitskeurmerk is ten eerste niet reëel voor 500 woorden, 100 dagen lang, naast minimaal 5 uur zakelijk websites bouwen én je eigen weblog verbeteren, en ten tweede eigenlijk ook volstrekt irrelevant.

Mijn productiefste tijd ooit was juist een tijd waarbij kwaliteit 'och' was en waarbij het er om ging dat je er was en dat je dingen maakte. (Ik refereer hier aan het legendarische Waai.) Daarom ga ik dat gewoon schaamteloos opnieuw proberen: #100dagenwaaien.

Er volg zometeen een haiku om te beginnen met dag 2. (Want zo gaan die dingen.)

Day 2: 410 Gone

One day I made an RSS-feed just for Martijn, and the other day he said:

[2017-01-09 19:27:07] <Zegnat> Oh, geen support voor /deleted? re: https://seblog.nl/2017/01/08/1/this-is-another-test-post

Nope, I just made a test post and deleted it right away, the hard way: a proper delete. How could I know his parser was just visiting right in the three minutes the posts existed? My site showed a 404 Not found, because the page did not exist.

According to /deleted, that’s not the way things should be. So today I re-posted This is another test post, and then unproperly deleted it.

So when you now go to https://seblog.nl/2017/01/08/1/this-is-another-test-post, you’ll get a 410 Gone, including a Dutch human readable page which explains what that means.

I do this by setting a dt-deleted on my post. I also taught my site that if I put a future date, it won’t 410 on people, until we past that date. This sets up my own Snapchat/Instagram Stories on Seblog!

In addition to a 410 Gone for direct hits on the url, the post does still pop up on feeds, but with the following markup:

<div class="h-entry" style="display:none">
  <a href="https://seblog.nl/2017/01/08/1/this-is-another-test-post" class="u-uid u-url"></a>
  <time datetime="2017-01-08 15:26:26" class="dt-deleted"></time>

This is not visible for normal users, but advanced feed readers could pick this up and delete the post in their cache. I haven’t added it to the RSS, because I doubt anyone supports this, but h-feed readers can pick it up!

I also don’t support delete via Micropub, but hey, we’re getting somewhere!

Oh and while I was at it: my private posts hide their slug now. My deleted posts don’t, because that would cause a redirect (which is 301 or 302) and I wanted a 410 Gone.

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