Day 44: hooking up
Yesterday I re-activated my Facebook, for the first time since 2.5 years. Still not really sure about this silo-return, but I want to try it again. Facebook is a powerful tool, and with the other tools IndieWeb gave me, I think I can manage my relation to it better than I could 2.5 years ago.
At first sight, it might look as if IndieWeb is about stopping silo's. In that light, a return looks strange. But there is no IndieWeb principle that says you should quit Facebook or Twitter. As long as I POSSE, I own my data, and I can still connect to my silofriends.
I still want to minimise the actual time spent I on their site. So today I made the first few bridges that should make that happen: I hooked up by site to and the 'normal' backfeed for Facebook. Now I can post via Micropub to my site and automatically post to Facebook too. Any comments and likes received on the post on Facebook will return to my site as well.
Now I have to make some interesting content to test all this with.
Also just realised I have no-one to talk to about this. It feels so lonely, being connected again, because nobody shares that 'again' aspect of it. Everyone I know is on Facebook, or I think they are, and I don't want them to happily poke my newly activated account. I want to see what Facebook does with my account. Will it try to bring old posts under the attention of friends, to give me likes and comments, so I stay? Or will it be unnoticed?
Now I have to go to a real-life event. I will try and resist telling people about my Facebook adventure. (That's why live blogging about it in English seems a good idea. I think this will be unnoticed as well.) The nice thing is: I can just post an RSVP to a Facebook event via my site. Will hook up tomorrow, if I still think Facebook is a good idea then.
You guys have no idea how scary it is to log in to Facebook after 2 years. (I have been back for 15 minutes at the 0.5 year point to transfer ownership of some Pages.) My profile picture is still the one from back then (although the black and white one I use on this site is actually older). There are 97 notifications in the world-icon and I don't want to click them. I scrolled through the feed, a few posts, and they all look like personal insight in lives of people I haven't seen in years. With every move of my mouse I feel like the addiction is right around the corner. But it could be me, freaking out, because I know the countless hours I spent scrolling that page. I have no idea what I want with this.
I'm logged out again. No disabling, just logged out. We'll see tomorrow.
Day 43: The silent return
Okay, I am going something I didn’t expect doing for a long time. I am still uncertain about it, but my curiosity and my love for round numbers won today.
Today exactly 2.5 years ago, I disabled my Facebook account. I did quit for various reasons, varying from ‘omg my privacy’ to ‘I spent too much time on here’ and ‘they have too much control over my newsfeed’ and ‘they will disappear soon anyway’. I still read articles from people struggling with those issues, except for the last one: Facebook still didn’t disappear. (What was I thinking?)
In the past 2.5 years, I had varying levels of FOMO. Most days where fine, especially later on when I got detached enough. But some days, after nights with friends, citing things that happened elsewhere & on Facebook, I felt I missed a lot. The sad thing is that there’s no way to know for sure.
So my FOMO changed from ‘I am missing stuff’ to ‘Am I missing stuff?’ I am not sure, but I probably am. How bad is that?
Quitting Facebook is about taking responsibility for your social life again. You need to track birthdays yourself, you need to actively reach out to people to meet them, you need to discover events for yourself.
I’m not saying I’ve accomplished to do those things myself over the past 2.5 years, but I’m also not saying that I will let Facebook fully handle them again. I’m not even sure Facebook still fills those needs these days. 2.5 years is a long time on the internet. But I am genuinely curious what Facebook does nowadays. (I’ve heard a lot about fake news and filterbubbles. Sounds cool.)
There is another part to returning that I’m not sure about. To get all the ‘benefits’ of being socially connected via Facebook, you have to spend a lot of time on the platform. I actually don’t really want to put in that much work. I know, I will be addicted to the likes and pokes within days, and I won’t notice all the time that goes in. But that was not how I intend to use Facebook over the comming month.
Ideally, I want Facebook to be a box. Or a hole, a well maybe. I want to throw in stuff, and I want to get stuff out, but I don’t want to be in the box/hole/well myself all day. I want to check once a day what happened, via an interface that doesn’t want to drag me in. (I can make one myself, I think.) And I want to post stuff on there like I post things to Twitter now: I just write it on my blog and then click on ‘also to Facebook’. I don’t want to login there to post something and get distracked.
And this is the last dilemma. Facebook gives an external boost to your ego. I could use that sometimes (we all do, right?) but it’s not the healthiest thing. Is it the demanding interface and the addictive notifications that are bad, or is the service itself the harmful thing? Should I want to share my thoughts with other people, or do I need to learn to be content with them myself?
Either way, I’m not back at Facebook in the sense that I’m completely hooked again like I was when I left. Being gone for 2.5 years makes that the interface is completely different. (I have seen it at other peoples computers, of course, so I’m not completely unfamiliar, but I have no personal bond with this layout.) Let’s hope I can contain this beast. And if not, I will simply leave again, because I know the world won’t end if I do.
And now for the action: I’m going to log in, see that it’s enabled again, and leave it like that. The silent return.
Er zijn boeken en films die ik niet durf te kijken of lezen, omdat ik denk dat ze goed zijn. Dan vraag ik me af of ik op dat moment wel zit te wachten op een goed verhaal, of dat niet te veel het verhaal waar ik dan mee bezig ben, wat ik schrijf of wat ik leef, overhoop haalt. Dat soort boeken en films stel ik uit.
Dat anderen zeggen dat het een goed verhaal is maak zoiets alleen maar erger. Maar, ik heb het aangedurft, en ik kan zeggen: Schuld van Walter van den Berg is een goed boek. Lees het ook. Het is een verhaal om je eigen verhaal even voor te onderbreken.

Day 42: multi-photo
Yesterday, I went to Den Helder for a day. Besides doing some work, we also made a walk through the dunes. Such walks produce pictures, somehow, and I wanted to post some of them here.
Since I didn't want to create multiple posts, it made sense to create a list of photo's in one post. Instagram also launched a new post type with multiple photo's, and this seemed to be a good match for it.
So yesterday I made a quick foreach
loop to be able to post them and today I styled it some more with CSS. It's not as pretty as the Instagram presentation of a multi-photo post, but I didn't want a carrousel like they use. The pro is that the images are viewed one by one, not influencing each other that much, but the con is that it's hard to signal to the user that there are more then one picture behind the post. I like the list as it is now. It's kind of long, but it works.