Niet die van Aha?
Oh, die wist ik niet. Ik kijk te weinig tv...
Haha, te laat. Hij is al op.
Terwijl ik bezig was moest ik daar aan denken ja, er ook een te nemen. Ik kan wel wat gesprekken gebruiken. Komt-ie ook 's avonds aan je voeten liggen, of op de bank?
Het gaf destijds toegang tot een donkere ruimte waar een grote hoeveelheid mensen Netflix konden kijken op een muur. Tenminste, dat zegt Wikipedia over de woorden 'Springhaver' en 'Cineville'.
I read an interesting column about this a few weeks ago. It is in Dutch and behind a minor paywall, so let me know if you are having trouble with it.
The main point of it is that we need privacy to keep our state and democracy running. It is not only to protect the private, but the public too. It is also about the consequences of using data: what happens if wrong interpretations of incomplete data are used to make large decisions on people’s individual lives?
Another good insight: it might have the wrong name. ‘Privacy’ reminds us of a sunny beach in France, where one can lie naked without being seen. It feels like a luxury product. In that way, we frame it wrong.
Maar 'geschiedenis' slaat hier op 'het proces', niet op de schademeldingen. En indien wel, dan zit je met een meervoud. Het is een beetje gek wel.
Nice mask! Very neo-steampunk.
5000 × 6000 vs 100.000 × 100.000

Always miles ahead of anyone on the IndieWeb :)
As you can see on my site: at the time of writing I don't have them. I do show a line with a summary of the post. It shows the author's name, the post's title or just 'a post' if nothing is available. I have been planning for a long time to add context to it, but I would only do that on the detail-pages: on feeds I would keep it as is. I think that might work very nicely for your design too! But: as long as you show any preview at all, you're not cutting the complexity of the Mf2-fetching.
Addition: I like to save the context for my own archive too. My site even saves a copy of the image if I like a photo-post, even though it does not display. So: I myself would not want to loose the complexity of the Mf2-fetching, for it has other benefits.
Ik denk dat je gelijk hebt. Het zit daar natuurlijk ook niet al eeuwen in de cultuur, dat was me nog niet opgevallen. Ik ben benieuwd hoe snel ze hier beschikbaar gaan worden in gezinsverpakking in de Etos en Kruidvat.
Nee, ik kijk er teveel op de hele dag :(
Late reactie, maar, leuk om te horen ^^
Ik ben Laputo: Castle in the Sky gaan kijken, de anime. Mooie film, was al fan van Studio Ghibli maar deze kende ik nog niet.
Gewoon duwen, bovenop.
Whoa, nice!
If they have a Twitter URL configured for their site, it'll provide a Twitter URL on syndication.
Seems like your implementation quickly exceeded mine! Now I have to up my game again ;)
Ironisch genoeg trek ik net bijna het stopcontact uit de muur. MagSafe was een veel betere aansluiting.
Don't forget that there are also dragons if you download and serve those images yourself, just different dragons that might get your own site hacked. See for example how I hacked my own site that was using a Webmention plugin by someone else:
The IndieWeb loves context, but external content always comes with a risk.
‪Strava and an Apple Watch for me. But: the Strava app is no good at all. I use the native Apple Watch Workouts app, which is quite good, and an app called HealthFit to export from HealthKit to Strava (and maybe my own site, if only I found time).‬
All the things that are falsy, including an array with one item that is falsy itself, which gets recursive.