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The day before yesterday I posted about how to divide up posts into various 'post topics', to aid readers in finding something interesting.

Just now I came across an interesting read (in Dutch) by NRC, how they put articles on their homepage. The gist of it: they have some automation, but most of it is actually hand picked by a team.

I don't know if I want to hand pick something like that for my own site, but I like the idea of hand-picked content over algorithms. Or even 'assisted hand-picking', something like that might work.

Another perspective I wanted to add to my own post: by creating these three to five main categories, one is also creating three to five 'personas' to write for. It is like writing a letter to a friend, but then have three friends with different interests, so you write them different stories. What I mean is that these main topics can also aid the writing process itself.

When @hacdias.com posted about our conversation about post topics I couldn’t stay behind to also formulate my part of it in a blogpost.

Currently I have various feeds for various post types. I don’t want to link them all here, in case I want to change them around, but I have different feeds that only show my likes, my photos, my replies, etc (you can probably guess the URLs).

These feeds are relatively easy to set up: does it have a photo? Then it’s a photo. Does it have a title? Then it’s an article. This post doesn’t have any, so it’s a note. I have a few of those rules set up and they fill these pages.

But when you scroll through my photo feed, you will also see drawings. When you scroll through my notes, there are various topics represented. It is not that bad right now, but that is mainly because I don’t post as much as I could, because I don’t want to bore my readers with topics they don’t want to follow.

On social media, we live a siloed life, and the people on the IndieWeb are trying to bring that all back to their own site. But, in the siloed life, we can pick the silo for the post. ‘Insta is for friends, Twitter is more business, Reddit is shitposting’, something like that. Sometimes the silo is aimed at a certain kind of post, sometimes it is just the kind of bubble you created for yourself on that silo that makes you post a certain way.

On the IndieWeb, I have only one site. Of course I can get multiple – I have – but I like having all my posts in one place. But I also want to give people options for how to follow me, different persona to share posts with.

I do have tags but most are not that useful. Most of them only contain one post, and also, most of them are very specific. I like the indieweb and vim tags, for they are quite topical, but those are exceptions.

At one point (not now) I would like to divide posts up into probably five rough categories. The homepage might still show a selection of all, and there will also be a place to actually see everything, but I think these categories make sense to me:

  • professional / helpful for all those posts in which I share something about IndieWeb, Vim, something about programming, something I learned
  • personal for stories about what happened in my life, maybe also some tweets, the more human connection
  • too personal for checkins, books I’ve read, food I’ve eaten, movies I’ve watched, still about life but without commentary
  • art for those good pictures, occasional drawings, fiction stories, the things I post too little

I said five and I posted four, because I don’t think this is final. I might also want to add a ‘current obsession’ category, to blog about those things I am deeply into. (There has been posts about keyboards here, you missed Getting Things Done, currently I am into the game of Go again.)

A last category I might also need is ‘thinking out loud’, as this is a post that would fall into that. For what is worth, I’ll post it anyway.

Kleine follow-up op mijn toepassing van NFC-stickers: ik heb zojuist een sticker op mijn wasmachine geplakt. Hoe meer je gaat leven met een app waar je al je todo's in bewaart, hoe meer je ook andere todo's daar in wil stoppen. Zo heb ik dus een herhalende herinnering om de was te doen, dat is, de inhoud van de wasmand in de wasmachine te stoppen. De vraag is, wie haalt het er dan weer uit?

Daarnet bleek ik dat dus vergeten te zijn. De was zat nog in de machine terwijl die al een tijd klaar was. De nieuwe sticker op de wasmachine lost dat op: zodra ik 'm scan maakt mijn iPhone een taak aan genaamd 'was ophangen', in de context 'thuis' en met de datum van vandaag. De nieuwe taak opent direct zodat ik een specifiekere herinnering kan instellen als dat nodig is. Na het aanzetten even scannen en klaar. Kind kan de was doen.

Ik zie veel zoveel-jaar-geledens vandaag, dus ik dacht ik doe ook mee: vandaag is het 16 jaar geleden dat ik een weblog lanceerde op Seblog.nl en aangezien ik toen 16 was ben heb ik vanaf vandaag langer wel een weblog dan niet.

De maan schijnt recht mijn kamer in, ik heb hem nog nooit zo vol gezien, zo veel licht. Ergens bang om nu een wolf te worden maar vooralsnog voel ik me prima.

Ik blijf hiervan schrikken... Een raar rommelend geluid, eigenlijk best wel dichtbij, ergens op je bureau zelfs. Zijn het je boxjes? Die staan uit. Komt het uit je monitor? Onwaarschijnlijk. Regent het ergens naar binnen? Geen raam hier. Zit er soms een beest binnen?

Nee, het is je externe harde schijf, zoals elke keer als je een backup maakt.

Zojuist ging opeens het licht uit. Dus ik denk: huis, wat is dit? Het ging namelijk met een kleine fade-out, niet direct, dus ik wist dat het niet aan de elektriciteit lag.

Toen bedacht ik me: ik had net even verbindingsproblemen op mijn iPhone, dus ik had wifi even uitgezet om te zorgen dat hij via 4G verbonden was.

En inderdaad, ik zet op mijn iPhone de wifi weer aan en direct gaat het licht aan. Welkom in 2022.

Bij wijze van vanantie naar een onbekende Albert Heijn gegaan. Kan ik iedereen aanraden, alles wat je kent maar dan op een andere plek.

Je komt wel met meer zooi thuis die je anders nooit koopt.

Altijd alles kwijt zijn is vervelend, maar een idee hebben, opstaan, naar die ene onlogische plek lopen en daar inderdaad vinden wat je zocht vind ik stiekem ook best eng.

I noticed that in my new login-setup, sessions last much longer. It used to be an hour or 3, but now I have been away from my computer for a full day and I am still logged in.

I like it, because it means that I will see my site more often in a logged-in state (as will others), but I will add to the ever-growing todo-list that I need some 'I trust this computer' checkbox.

Next up must be Webmentions, I feel. I just posted this article with a lot of backlinks to old posts, but since I send all Webmentions in a synchronous way on first-post-visit, it took ages, and I actually got a 502 Bad Gateway out of my site. But I also need weekend, so we will see.

I think I made it in time for IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf to fix my IndieAuth? If you are reading this, Quill worked, and I can get some sleep before the trip tomorrow.

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