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als antwoord op www.facebook.com

Maar, daar moet bij worden vermeldt dat 'ng' en 'ch' natuurlijk maar één klank vormen. Bovendien valt in mijn uitspraak de 'ch' eigenlijk helemaal weg. (Ik zeg dus meestal gewoon 'sreew'.)
Mijn favoriet is 'herfststraat', die vergelijkbaar is met de eerder genoemde 'herfststronk', maar die kende ik dus nog niet  
Zie ook 42 op p. 112 van Battus' _Opperlandse taal- & letterkunde_

als antwoord op www.facebook.com

Op Twitter (wat ik dus nog wel had) had ik juist het idee dat alle discussies en goede dingen werden doodgeslagen door het limiet van 140 tekens. Maar juist omdat de nadruk daar ligt op 140 tekens is Twitter wel heel erg een tekstmedium gebleven ja. Misschien moet ik gewoon wat tijd nemen om het daar wat beter in te richten :)

als antwoord op Aaron Parecki

Thanks! I kind of want to use this way of displaying for comments as well. So: I now have the facepile-with-heart-icon for likes. Would be nice to have a facepile-with-emoji for reacji as well. I really should do something about my webmention storage, so I can do stuff like that :)

als antwoord op Jelte Nieuwenhuis

@jeltenieuwhuis '-foob' en 'angst' hebben ook niet dezelfde waarde. We hebben op school geleerd dat racisme slecht is, maar zien onszelf niet als slecht mens. Het is inderdaad wat je met de gevoelens doet, maar iemand op de man af islamofoob, homofoob of racist noemen zal altijd op weerstand stuiten.

als antwoord op github.com

I really like XRays way of storing things (flat, knowing which properties will be string or array, and the rels list), and I wanted to use it with my reader. Having it as a library with #17 would be nice for that, but parsing the whole h-feed at once is also very handy.

So, allow me to brainstorm / share some h-feed stuff I learned with sebsel/lees :)

  • I agree: the feed does not have to have an author. It can be used to define the author of the posts, but the feed itself can be authorless. Example of a mixed h-feed is Twitter > HTML through Granary.

  • Different ways of presenting:

    1. have a children property with an array [] of objects {} that are just what you get in data when you look at a h-entry
    2. have a children property with an array [] of urls, and put the h-entry objects in refs
  • Some h-feeds have no u-url for each h-entry. This makes it impossible to do 2. in those cases. But it might not be XRays task to fix that.
    (Same for dt-published. A lot of WP sites have hentry class with sometimes a article-name class, but dropped the rest of the Mf1. Again: might not be XRays task to fix that.)

  • what to do with h-event and h-review within the h-feed? -> have to detect type for each child.

  • when looking at a home page (i.e. aaronparecki.com), I get a card, which is great because that's the main object on that page. But when using XRay in a /reader, I want a feed. Would be nice to have a type=feed parameter, to point XRay to the type of data you are looking for.

  • Once you go h-feed, should you go RSS/Atom?
als antwoord op keithjgrant.com

About your explanation of Micropub: it's not that it enables you to create Notes, it's that it enables you to use other services to post on your own site. This post, for example, I write in Aaronpk's Quill. Thanks to Micropub, Quill can actually post this reply to my site. But Micropub can be used to create whatever post on my site, as long as the client (Quill) and server (my site) both support that kind of post. See it as an open posting API :)

Oh, and I believe step 3 should be WebSub, which is just PubSub. I'm not at step 3 though.

Anyway, welcome to the Indieweb!

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