The nice thing about walking around with a backpack is that you don't have to pretend you're a local.

My first AirBnB, but a nice one. Very good location, walking distance from the city center and tram in front of the door. The sofa-bed is okay for sofa-bed-standards. Having two rooms and a kitchen is ideal for traveling with two.

Comparing Aaron Parecki's flight on his website to the one on Flight24, during breakfast with @calum_ryan #indieweb #returninghome
The hardest part of #indiewebcamp is het spreken von all dieser Spräche durcheinanderですよ.
@adactio & @sebsel enjoying #location discussions on 72,973rd street @indiewebcamp @tollwerk @nueww #nueww

I'm at #indiewebcamp Nuremberg! Demoing Micropub :)
I later demo'ed the update query with external pictures. This picture is made by Aaron Parecki.

Ik ben op de Fake News Night in Nürnberg en doe alsof ik pers ben.
Omg, Things 3. Niet gedacht dat dat nog eens zou komen. Ik kocht Things 2 in 2013.