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als antwoord op glenn.thedixons.net

Sad to hear, especially since you tried to use my plugins. But I will not try to convince you to come back, I know my plugins are lacking. They are just pieces of my own site I open sourced, but the way I cut them off might break things.

I am actively working on two new ones at the moment, with some 'official' IndieWeb libraries, with unit testing, hopefully even with panel widgets. They should be much more stable and user friendly than the old ones.

So I am not asking to come back now, but please, let me ping you when I got the new ones ready. I hope you will like those.

We're a long way from general adoption, but we can make steps.

Queue for Kirby

I was in need for a Queue, so I made one. :)

This plugin adds a basic queue to the Kirby CMS, using Cron and Kirby's flat file system.

It's mostly designed to be used in other plugins, such as the new Webmentions plugin I'm writing.

Github: https://github.com/sebsel/queue-for-kirby

queue::define('job_name', function($job) {
    // contains 'some data' in the job added below

queue::add('job_name', [
    'param' => 'some data'
als antwoord op dixonge

Oh hey, you're right, my webmention plugin does not pass most of the tests out of the box! I was trying to get some of the code into the Toolkit, but it seems like they are too busy with Kirby 3 and don't care about my function. I should move my code into the plugin so that it passes all but one test again.

Anyway, nice to see you using it! :)