Homebrew Website Club London

So, I am not in London and I am not even in the precise timezone as London, but since The Situation is still keeping us home, I got to attend Homebrew Website Club London.

It was mostly just some chatting about smoke detectors, automated blinds and visits to city water reservoirs, as one does on a HWC. We had a few on-topic points as well.

I told about the upcoming birthday of Seblog.nl, tomorrow, which got us down the path of looking up old versions of websites. Much is saved, but many things are lost as well. One thing we came to: if you are starting to code your own website, please learn how to use version control as soon as possible. I (and others) have lost old versions of our sites because we kept overwriting the old files with new changes. If I had discovered Git (or any other version control) earlier, I would have had the oldest versions still.

As a note to myself: I should read Peter's article that he mentioned, which is about this 'content archeology': bringing back old home-pages. I doubt I have enough time to excavate my own first version of Seblog.nl before tomorrow.

Calum also showed his new bookshelf page. It reminded me of my own page called /bieb (short Dutch for 'library'), and now I want to revisit that page as well. The past month, I've been playing around with Obsidian and this would be one of those places where my site could integrate with it. (Both Obsidian and the current iteration of my site run on raw text files.)

I also shared some of my plans around this integration but I am not ready to share those here. (Most of my projects become vaporware, sadly.) However, I feel encouraged that my idea was not totally a bad idea. (Only slightly.) That's why I like going to HWC's: they spark ideas and / or bring them further.

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