Day 20: automatic liking on Twitter

Today I drafted a SiloAPI class in indieweb-toolkit. The idea is that it gives an easy way to interact with different Silo API's. In some ways this is a bad idea, because all API's work different and have different capabilities, but I like the idea, even if it's bad.

One API call that is available for both Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is to create a like. So that's where I focussed on first. Today, I made SiloAPI a wrapper for the TwitterOAuth PHP library, and it now supports ::like() just like micropub::like(). You still need to pass in the name of the silo though, but maybe I'll detecting the silo from the URL later.

siloapi::setToken('twitter', [
  'consumer_key'       => 'xxx',
  'consumer_secret'    => 'xxx',
  'oauth_token'        => 'xxx',
  'oauth_token_secret' => 'xxx',

siloapi::like('', 'twitter');

Then I realised that probably can do this for me too, since it already syndicates my Tweets for me when I ask for it. So I just made my Micropub endpoint call publish for every like-of that is a twitter-URL.

I will add to SiloAPI though, because I want to autolike to Instagram too!

Genoemd door:

Sebastiaan Andeweg
Sebastiaan Andeweg

Okay, I admit: I already did this yesterday, as you can see from my previous retweet. But I wanted one day off. One day without screens. So that’s today. Earlier on I made my site like tweets when I p…