Day 12: RSVP and Events feed

Busy day today, so no big Indieweb updates. It’s not about the big updates though, it’s about useful updates.

Yesterday, I went to an event. I kind of got into the habit of just getting on my bike and cycling to events, without actually looking up any details at home. Sometimes I don’t even know the exact place I need to go, just that it’s somewhere in the city center. It’s a bad habit, but it’s a habit now.

Since I posted an RSVP to my site for yesterdays event, I was able to find the information I was looking for quickly on my phone. I have been away from Facebook for almost 3 years now and I forgot how useful this feature is.

A combined feed of my RSVPs and Events can now be found at /agenda (Dutch for ‘calendar’), so I can easily find information about where I have to go when I’m cycling and running late next time.

Seb heeft dit gebookmarkt.
"De wereld is een beangstigende plek, maar mijn sokken zijn perfect gevouwen."
als antwoord op Webmention Rocks!

Let's test test 23!

Update: try again!

Update 2: I actually would've passed in the first place, but helped to find a bug in the test :)