Day 12: RSVP and Events feed
Busy day today, so no big Indieweb updates. It’s not about the big updates though, it’s about useful updates.
Yesterday, I went to an event. I kind of got into the habit of just getting on my bike and cycling to events, without actually looking up any details at home. Sometimes I don’t even know the exact place I need to go, just that it’s somewhere in the city center. It’s a bad habit, but it’s a habit now.
Since I posted an RSVP to my site for yesterdays event, I was able to find the information I was looking for quickly on my phone. I have been away from Facebook for almost 3 years now and I forgot how useful this feature is.
A combined feed of my RSVPs and Events can now be found at /agenda (Dutch for ‘calendar’), so I can easily find information about where I have to go when I’m cycling and running late next time.
"De wereld is een beangstigende plek, maar mijn sokken zijn perfect gevouwen."
Let's test test 23!
Update: try again!
Update 2: I actually would've passed in the first place, but helped to find a bug in the test :)